;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;  File:    slip.lsp
;;  Created: Sun Sep 18 18:07:06 2016
;;  Comment: Common Lisp Library of General/Misc Functions.
;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------

(defpackage :slip
  ( :use :common-lisp ) 

  ( :export 
   ; general
   ; chars
   ; strings
   ; lists
   ; files
   ; arrays
   ; hash funcs

(in-package slip)

;;   [General Purpose Functions]

(defun hello ()
  (write-line "hello!  Package slip is available!"))

(defun blank-line ()

(defun report (label var)
  (format t "~% [+] ~a = ~a" label var))

(defun disp (label &rest objs)
  (format t "~% [+] ~a:" label)
  (dolist (o objs) do
    (format t "~%     ~a" o)))

(defun dot-string (s n)
  (let* ( (dot-array (make-array 0
                                 :element-type 'character
                                 :fill-pointer 0
                                 :adjustable t))
          (len-s (length s))
          (num-dots (- n len-s)) )
    (loop for c across s do
          (vector-push-extend c dot-array))
    (dotimes (i num-dots)
      (vector-push-extend #\. dot-array))

(defun dot-display (lab val n)
  (let ( (dotted (dot-string lab n)) )
    (format t "~% ~a~a" dotted val)))

;;   [Char Functions]

(defun char-upperp (c)
  (let ( (ci (char-int c)) )
    (if (and (>= ci 65)
             (<= ci 90))

;;   [String Functions]

(defun rtrim(s)
  "Remove spaces from right end of string."
  (let ( (i (- (length s) 1))
         (tr nil) )
    ; tr will be trimmed string.
      ; travel from end of string until we hit
      ; first non-space character.
      (loop while (>= i 0) do
            (if (not (eql (aref s i) #\space))
            (decf i) )

      ; build up the string again from end.
      (loop while (>= i 0) do
            (push (aref s i) tr)
            (decf i))

      ; convert back to string and return.
      (coerce tr 'string))))

(defun startswith (sub str)
  "Test if a string (str) starts with the substring (sub)."
  (let ((end (length sub)))
    (if (string-equal sub (subseq str 0 end))

(defun endswith (sub str)
  "Test if a string (str) ends with the substring (sub)."
  (slip:startswith (reverse sub) (reverse str)))

(defun split-line(line delim)
  "Split a line of text separated by 'delim'."
  (let ( (token nil) 
         (tokens nil) 
         (delim-loc 0) )
    (loop while (not (null delim-loc)) do
           (setf delim-loc (position delim line))
           (if (null delim-loc)
                 (setf tokens (append (list line) tokens))
                 (return-from split-line (reverse tokens)))
               (setf token (subseq line 0 delim-loc))
               (setf tokens (append (list token) tokens))
               (setf line (subseq line (+ 1 delim-loc) (length line))))))))

;;   [List Functions]

(defmacro foreach-i(lst &body b)
  "example: slip:foreach-i animals (print slip:i))"
  `(loop for i in ,lst do

(defun generate(start end &optional (increment 1) )
  (loop for i from start to end by increment collect i))

(defun sort-list (l)
  "Sort list of strings in alphabetical order (very common!)"
  (sort l #'string-lessp))

(defun random-choice (a)
  "Return random choice from list or array."
    (cond ( (listp a)   (nth (random (length a)) a) )
          ( (vectorp a) (aref a (random (length a))) )
          ( t (princ "slip:random-choice: unknown type!") ) )))

(defun list->array (l)
  "Convert a list to an array."
  (make-array (length l) :initial-contents l))

;;   [File Functions]

(defun process-file(filename func delim)
  "Process lines in a file with a function."
  (let ( (new-lines nil) )
    (with-open-file (f filename :direction :input)
      (loop for line = (read-line f nil 'end)
            until (eq line 'end)
            do (progn
                 (push (funcall func line delim) new-lines)))
      (reverse new-lines))))

(defun file-to-list (filename)
  (let ( (lines nil) )
    (with-open-file (f filename :direction :input)
      (loop for object = (read-line f nil 'end)
            until (eq object 'end)
            do (push object lines)))
    (reverse lines)))

(defun cut-file (f delim col)
  "Cut nth column from file f delimited by 'delim' and specified by col (1-based)
   and return column as list."
  (let ((lyst nil) (split nil)
        (flines (slip:file-to-list f)))
    (print flines)
    (dolist (line flines)
      (setf split (slip:split-line line delim))
      (push (nth (1- col) split) lyst))
    (reverse lyst)))

(defun list-to-file (lst filename)
  (with-open-file (f filename :direction :output)
    (loop for l in lst do
          (format f "~%~a" l))))

(defmacro with-file-lines (fname line &body b)
  `(with-open-file (f ,fname :direction :input)
      (loop for ,line = (read-line f nil 'end)
  until (eq ,line 'end)
    do (progn ,@b ))))

(defun file-matrix (fname delim)
"parse delimited file (fname) with delimeter (delim) into a 2-d array."
  (let* ((row 0) (flist (slip:file-to-list fname))
         (nrows (length flist))
         (firstrow (nth 0 flist))
         (ncols (length (slip:split-line firstrow delim)))
         (farray (make-array (list nrows ncols) :initial-element nil)))
    (loop for line in flist do
           (setf columns (slip:split-line line delim))
           (loop for col from 0 to (1- ncols) do
                (setf (aref farray row col) (nth col columns)))
           (incf row)))

;;   [Array Functions]

(defun extract-column (col-n matrix)
  "extract one column from a 2-d array and return it as a list."
  (let ((col-list nil)
        (nrows (first (array-dimensions matrix))))
    (loop for r from 0 to (1- nrows) do
         (push (aref matrix r col-n) col-list))
    (reverse col-list)))

;;   [Hash Table Functions]

 (defun store-hash (h k v)
   "Store value (v) into hash table (h) using key (k)." 
   (setf (gethash k h) v)) 

(defun show-hash (h)
  "Show summary of hash table contents."
  (loop for key being the hash-keys of h do
        (slip:dot-display (string key) (gethash key h) 40)))

(defun sum-hash (h)
  "Sum values across a hash table.  Assumes values are numeric."
  (loop for key being the hash-keys of h
        sum (gethash key h)))

;;    [Test Helpers]

(defun creature-list ()
  "Return list of creatures to use as test data."
  (list 'dragon 'mermaid 'gorgon 'griffin 'minotaur 
        'kraken 'cyclops 'troll 'orc 'goblin 'unicorn
        'fawn 'siren ))